In this place, I'm so very happy and never alone

Except when I want,  like when I'm chewing a bone

There's food on the table and I don't need to ask

I just jump right  up and gobble it  down fast


In this place, the gate always opens when I give it a push

And there's a cat nearby, hiding in a bush

It runs away quickly when it hears me shout

It's petrified  of me- of that there's no doubt


In this place, the dishwasher spoons are covered in jam

The forks contain a mixture of nutella and ham

My waterbowl's brimming and  the puddles outside

Are full of water, so shallow and wide.


In this place, I can sit where I dare

On the couch, on the bed, even on a chair

And, if I'm tired, I sleep as long as I like

Dreaming of lizards and flies or chasing a bike


In this place, I can call for my dad or for my mum

And when I shout, they always come

And Dada and Louis will play with me

No collar round my neck and I'm forever free

In this place





In this place I'm always happy and never alone

Except when I want, like when I'm chewing a bone

There's food on the table and I don't have to ask

I just jump up and gobble it down fast


In this place, the gate always opens when I give it a push

And there's always a cat nearby, hiding in a bush

They run away quickly when they hear me shout

They're all petrified of me – there's no doubt!


In this place, the dishwasher spoons are covered in jam

The forks contain the perfect mixture of nutella and ham

My water bowl is never empty, the puddles full of water

And they both taste of dog beer, just like they ought to.....


In this place I can sit anywhere

On the couch, on the bed, even the dining room chair

And if I'm tired I can sleep as long as I like

Dreaming of lizards and flies and chasing bikes


In this place, I can call for my dad and mum

And when I bark, they always come

And Dada and Louis will play with me

and I'll be content and I'll be free


In this place