Thud thud thud

Thud thud thud
The bullets hit the wall next to the boy. As the cement splashes out, a shard hits his cheek, drawing blood, making him shudder.
Thud thud thud
Closer this time as he pulls his knees into his chest, head bowed, eyes closed, making himself as small as possible.
Thud thud thud
Closer still, he feels the wall vibrate as it absorbs the energy from the machine gun rounds. He feels his own breath on his hand, the hairs on his wrist standing up, as if to attention.
Thud thud thud
He starts to pray, the words spilling from his lips as if he were spitting them out – our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name -
He opens his eyes. The smoke in the air stings him, the smell of sulphur acrid to his nostrils. Have they gone? Is it safe? He stops praying and lifts his head slightly, as if to sniff whether the danger has passed.